I contributed two paintings this year (I cheated a little and painted them both earlier this summer). While they weren't popular enough to make it to the live auction I think that the fact that they both sold is a huge improvement on last year's 'my parent's bought my art' fiasco. It was super exciting to watch people bidding on my art, and I even got to see a bidding war go down over this little beauty:

I was absolutely shocked and flattered to see that it got about ten bids and it ended up going for $120!! Not bad for the first piece of art I've ever really sold.
I had actually expected this to be the hotter ticket, mainly because its much larger, but I guess the audience was a sucker for blue. Still this went for the very respectable $95!

It's the first time I've ever had a painting (or two) go home with strangers. Its a little weird, I wonder if I'll ever walk into someone's house and see my work hanging on their wall.
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