As is my tradition, I spent the Fourth of July in Newport RI at my family's summer house. Of course, my first priority once I got into town was to hit up all my favorite antique emporiums and home good stores. Not only did I get I get some amazing things at my old faithfuls (more on that later) but I stumbled upon a newcomer to Newport called Venetucci Home, where I made some amazing discoveries.
I'd been enamored of some of the accessories that Restoration Hardware is selling this year, but I haven't been that enamored with their exorbinant prices. So you can imagine my excitement when I happened upon some reproduction gear wheels that are literally the same ones sold by Restoration Hardware but at 1/6th the price.
This is the picture I took at the store where I bought the gears:

This is the image that Restoration Hardware has on their website of their "Tractor Wheel Gear":

Can you see a difference? I literally cannot see any disparity between the two products, except that Restoration Hardware charges $189 for their version, and I picked up mine in Newport for $29.
I bought some for Jessie and Derek's apartment as well as some to decorate the showroom at Desiron where I'm interning this summer.
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