Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sarah's Bakery

My dear friend Sarah Warren (check out her blog here) is planning to someday open a bakery (hopefully someday soon!) so I've been drawing up some ideas for her. One idea we had, was that at her bakery while the customers wait in line they have a chance to watch the pastries being made.

Now I know that you're thinking- we've seen plenty of open kitchens before! But what you're used to seeing is the whole kitchen, complete with sweating bakers saturating the space with their stress. Instead, the peeks that you get of Sarah's kitchen will create a calmer atmosphere. There will be a number of strategic reveals built into the kitchen wall: through one small window you'll see hands kneading dough, through another you watch as hands ice a cake, but you'll never see the bodies those hands belong to:

The customer gets the best of the traditional open kitchen: the appetizing peek at what lies ahead, without the worst: the anxiety inducing scene of chaos and stress.

These sketches don't show it, but we've also talked about putting antique shutters on the windows to go with the antiquey/Anthropologie vibe.

ps. the images are scans from my notebook, so the noise in the background is my handwriting on the other side of the page showing through

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