I have never been a watch wearer, lets face it- with cell phones always on hand, they've grown a little obsolete. But now that I'm commuting 45 minutes each way to Brooklyn everyday, I find myself increasingly glancing at my wrist when my cell is buried too deep in my bag or when we're so deep underground that its signal gets faulty. Thus, I started a search for a watch. In my mind, what I pictured was a watch that felt like an old family heirloom, nothing over the top and gaudy, just something with the loved and used aura of an antique. When I found this watch I knew that I was in love:
I found it at the amazing antiques/vintage emporium The Showplace, from this wonderful gentleman who showed me a number of 1920's, 30's and 40's watches. I was almost afraid to ask the prices once I'd seen his amazing goods, and was totally shocked when I found that I was easily within budget! The watch I settled on is from 1940, its a Hamilton which was a big brand in the day, but what really drew me to it was on the back of the case. Inscribed in clear neat lettering are the words Wesley B Austin, and the date 12-25-40. I thought it was a real sign given that my parents were going to be giving me the watch for Christmas, 12-25-10. On the watches 70th birthday it found a new home (and a new gender of owner!) I love wondering about where my watch has been and what its seen, I feel like I'm breathing new life into it as we explore the city together.

I know that this image is a little weird but it was impossible to get a photo that showed the inscription so I ended up putting it on a flatbed scanner.
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