Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Trimmings

Every year the Christmas decorating duties fall to me. As I am now in Interior Design school, its really only natural that I direct our decorating efforts. This year I decided to tie everything together with a two-tone metallic theme. The gold and silver motif went into all aspects of my decorating, harkening to one of my favorite Hans Christian Andersen tales 'The Twelve Dancing Princesses'.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Winter Is Coming

So as many of you know (or are experiencing right now) we were hit with a post Christmas blizzard up in the Northeast, and while we were shoveling ourselves out I took a moment to document the wintry wonderland that we woke up to:

PS. For you non-fantasy fans out there who are reading that title and saying, "but winter is here!", that's a reference to George RR Martin's 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series, the first book of which "A Game of Thrones" is being made into an HBO miniseries right now.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Blue Birds for a Boy

My sister is pregnant with her first child (and my first nephew) due in the middle of January. Her baby shower was last month, but in the midst of school and studio stress I didn't have a chance to finish the mobile I'm making for him. Luckily I got it finished in time to give it to her at a post-Christmas brunch today.

I got the idea and the template from Martha Stewart, but the colors are all mine.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Scanning in Some Memories

I was going through a box of pictures from my Grandmother's house and came across a few that were so precious and amazing that I had to scan them in for posterity.

This is my dad at 3 years old holding a cat:

This is me and my Grandma:

This is my awesome play house that my beloved babysitter Arlene painted plaid!

This is my Dad's birthday, I'm not sure what year but look how young and handsome he looks! (and how homicidal I look)

This is me and my one true love, the blow up dinosaur Shark Tooth. He and I were married at least a dozen lavish weddings, we were the Taylor and Burton of the Smith household.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Renderings From My Drawing Final

There isn't any witty way to say that, so without further ado:

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Perspective Drawings

Here's a peek inside my hotel lobby with some of the drawings I'm working on for my presentation on Tuesday:

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Now With Silhouettes

This is the photo from my last post, now photoshopped further to include the silhouettes of people at the bar and in the photobooth:

Sad to admit i'm actually still learning photoshop through trial and error, but I think this came out alright.

Friday, December 3, 2010

After a long hiatus...

Sorry for the long absence from the blogosphere, stuff at school has been busy busy busy! I've been working on my hotel lobby design, and we're finally about to present our designs this Tuesday! So this weekend is gonna be a whole lot of drawing and documenting. On that note, as a little teaser of whats to come, I'll show you the first picture from my model:

This is the view on the second floor of my lobby, looking from the lounge to the bar and the lit up photobooth behind it.

Now I'm back to work!