I have officially started my Masters program in Interior Design at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn!! Even though this was just my first week, I've already had some work due. Although I'm taking 4 classes, my Studio class is weighted the same as all of my other classes combined, and the others really function to support the work that we're doing for Studio. Over the next few months I plan to post pictures of most of my projects for Studio (they encourage us to document them for our portfolio so why not publish them?). So with that introduction out of the way, let me introduce you to my F1 project:
The official instructions say: "Through drawing, collage, sculpture, writing or composition, and by using colors, shapes, lines, textures etc., create a design that tells the story of a space that you have experienced in a significant way during your childhood." The space that I chose was in my bed, under the covers reading late at night:

When I was mulling over the prompt this was the image that immediately jumped into my mind, and its construction was relatively straightforward. The biggest challenge was creating a dark environment so that the flashlight could really illluminate the sheet and provoke the atmosphere of warmth and safety that I was trying for. My solution was to place the piece in my locker, which ended up being a very successful means of presentation.

After 3 hours of sitting in the same room everyone loved the chance to stretch our legs and visit my locker. It made mine really stand out from the pack (if I don't say so myself):